For advertisers

Advertising on TV and digital resources

Depending on the tasks of your advertising campaign, we will help you choose the optimal set of TV channels and programs, as well as determine the intervals of the adverts shown with a view to having a more effective impact on the audience.

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Advertising on TV channels

TV audience of more than 35 million people


Sponsored integrations into TV programs

Sponsorship is advertising integrated into the content of a program when it is shot according to an agreed scenario. It can include a video review of the product, a reference to it by the host, placement of a logo and a sponsored video.

Sponsored integrations

Media Kit

Advertising on
DIGITAL resources

Digital advertising, or digital marketing, is any advertising that employs a web capabilities to promote products and services.

Презентации DIGITAL возможностей

Digital resourses of Okhotnik i Rybolov channel

Media Kit

Digital resourses of Zagorodniy channel

Media Kit

Advertising at large thematic events

Every year since 2012, we have held the Cup of the Okhotnik i Rybolov TV channel.